Crescocito are producing several versions of cleaning solutions for different type of installations. Cleaning of application equipment is vital to maintain quality and function over time. Regardless if the painting is done manually or by robot, there are products and solutions for simple and efficient cleaning.
If there is a dump line available, the automatic cap cleaner and the manual wash basin can be connected directly to the dump line. This gives a secure and efficient handling of waste material. When missing a dump line, the pump cabinet can be used with the cap cleaner to transfer the waste material to location outside the spray booth.
Crescocito has also a large range of cleaning cabinets for cleaning equipment outside of the spray booth. Versions to be used with solvent or water materials, or both in a dual cabinet.
A environmentally friendly cleaning agent (H2O Cleaner) for water based paints with very good cleaning effects and reduced cost compared with many other solvents. The cleaning agent is approved and chosen by many industries for the efficiency and friendliness against workers. Ask for your sample.
Crescocito AB Kartåsgatan 11 SE-531 40 Lidköping Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)510 488 770 Fax: +46 (0)510 214 59
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Massimo Melani Production +46 (0)510 - 48 87 74 +46 (0)70 - 844 64 56
Andreas Carlen R&D +46 72 505 8282
Linus Lundberg Production / Technical support +46 (0)510 - 48 87 78 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 83
Per Axelsson Order / Technical support +46 (0)510 - 48 87 79 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 85
Kristin Berg Finance / Administration +46 (0)510 - 488 771 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 80
Peter Alfredsson R&D +46 76 109 8281
Stefan Carlsson Sales / Technical support +46 (0)510 - 488 772 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 82
Teuvo Pöyhönen MD / Sales +46 (0)510 - 488 776 +46 (0)76 - 203 01 46
France Sandrine Thomas Sales / Technical Support +33 (0)6 - 30 65 67 68
Germany / Austria Volkmar Lüthke Sales / Technical Support +49 (0)5273 368 796 +49 (0)174 241 82 83
Netherlands & Benelux LIMAR TECHNIEK Adres. Einsteinstraat 12 3316 GG Dordrecht +31 0031- 78-6227544
Poland ECCO FINISHING POLSKA Adres : ul. Gen. Wł. Sikorskiego 17A, 87-300 Brodnica +48 56 493 16 11 fax :+48 56 493 16 11 wew. 4
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